“I AM” limitless!

The more I hear and learn about dark matter and dark energy, that “space” is not empty but full of this energy and matter we cannot explain, that string theory posits a very real argument for multiple universes, the more I see God writ throughout the Cosmos, the world, and all of creation, unlimited by our human imaginations and sexism. “I AM” exists more than our wildest imaginations can fathom in science, in space, in town, in country, in sea, in all creation, carbon based or otherwise.


WORDDeut. 8:1…


Deut. 8:1-3

1 This entire commandment that I command you today you must diligently observe, so that you may live and increase, and go in and occupy the land that the LORD promised on oath to your ancestors. 2 Remember the long way that the LORD your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, in order to humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commandments. 3 He humbled you by letting you hunger, then by feeding you with manna, with which neither you nor your ancestors were acquainted, in order to make you understand that one does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.

John 1:1-3
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.…

The Word of G-d, Jesus Christ, the Bread of the World

Reading the Gospel – Themselves

Image representing YouVersion as depicted in C...
Image by None via CrunchBase
John 2:1-5
“On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2 Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. 3  And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.”4 Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.”5 His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”
Today’s Scripture from John spoke to me at several levels; doesn’t Jesus always do that?
  1. Preparation: one needs to put in the work to be ready when “the time comes.” Jesus tells his mother his time has not yet come; his preparation is not complete (for his earthly ministry). In today’s world, I read and hear of the “magic” 10,000 hours of practice, learning, study needed to achieve “overnight” success. Mary steps up Jesus’s “game.” 
  2. Willingness: though he says, in effect, I’m not ready, he obeys his mother, exhibiting love and filial piety for her in his first miracle, and demonstrating, to me who grew up in a Jewish neighborhood, the archetypical Jewish mother – she expected much of her son. 
  3. Consequences: how about those servants? They knew about the water now wine. Are these servants the first believers besides John the Baptist, Jesus’s family, and the disciples? How much do they understand? I wonder if they are able to follow him through the next few years.

I’ve started reading the Gospels to better understand the God and Savior who reached down, no, stepped down into the miasma of humanity to claim my life. Online, I’m using the Daily Office as my basic hours site but to delve into the Gospels themselves, I’m using YouVersion. It has varied Bible reading plans in a variety of translations, one of which is the Gospels in a month. I’m not interested “in a month,” though it will help keep me on track.

Help me better learn about my Lord. I’m a skeptical person at heart; it is hard for me to effectively believe, trust, and follow, but I want to know Him as Lord.

Other Worlds, Other Peoples

Nichols as Lieutenant Uhura.
Nichols as Lieutenant Uhura. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In her most recent program, “On Exoplanets and Love,” of On Being, Krista Tippett makes, to me, a startling observation – that, should we find life on other planets, the find would negate our view and reverence for God.

I may need to edit my assertion, but I heard something similar and was astounded.

I grew up a Sci Fi fan (not SyFy!) and a devotee of the original Star Trek series, of which there was a program that, indeed, on an M class planet, evidence of Son worship was noted, but not the Sun, as clarified by Lt. Uhura, but the Son of God. Of course, God would offer salvation to any and all who are in need, or, perhaps, we are the only sinners. How can finding or even the possibility of sentient life on other planets or galaxies threaten our belief in God?

I plan to listen to this program again tonight. Sometimes, I offend people by insisting God is asexual/without gender. A good friend asserted to me “God is a man.” He is also a woman depicted by the creation of Eve and the evidence of the feminine Wisdom in the wisdom literature and the Holy Spirit.

God tells us “my thoughts are not your thoughts nor my ways your ways.” We have NO CLUE of the true majesty of God. I believe – and certainly others, who may look and be very different from us, surely also believe. Jesus had “other sheep.” To me, they were those on other planets. God bringing salvation not only to our world but to the whole of Creation fills me with awe and humility.

Holy Dying – Engaged

Jeremy Taylor is depicted in this portrait at ...
Jeremy Taylor is depicted in this portrait at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge University. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This past Saturday, I attended a workshop on dying, holy dying, with several other members of my church. Both lay, clergy, and nursing/medical professionals were there. The title comes from Jeremy Taylor‘s two books on Holy Living and Holy Dying. His premise was and cont. in these classic works that to die well, we must live well.

Carpe diem to the max.

My tug this day, though I deal with many dying patients and their families in my work, was another workshop on dog rescue in TN. If I had to leave my home at 0600, then I could get to TN just as fast as St. Louis (or, as the Mapquest voice says, “Saint Louie“).

But I didn’t – I drove my car with two friends. My friends are gracious women – they accepted my eccentricities with good humor – “Don’t touch my side mirrors; they are set up for no blind spots.” “This is how you set up the cruise control.” And my practice of getting up to speed in the on-ramp before entering a freeway – Driving 101.

The workshop was joyful and informative, diverse in topic:

  • Advanced directives (decide NOW how you want treatments you do NOT want and in what circumstances when you truly are dying).
  • Disposition of your body – to science, to the grave, to cremation.
  • Hospice care
  • Volunteering for the dying – GREAT point: not everyone can handle bedside care but one person called and offered her accounting expertise to help get all papers in order; another shoveled snow, etc.
  • Avoiding probate – prepare and let your family know.

Please consider your end of life here on Earth. Be prepared not only in your paperwork and wishes, but by fully living every day.

Inspired by WP

What was the one experience that completely changed your life? What happened? How did it change your life?


I didn’t go to college out of high school. Despite a double scholarship offer (German and English) plus state paid (disability) tuition, I was/am so introverted I couldn’t imagine how I would pay for room and board away from home. Instead, I went to a business school, majored in medical assistant, and took a job as a surgery technician (now operating room tech). My new boss was so impressed by my resume, she asked if there was anyone else in my class interested in moving out with me and three others came along.

After working  in Gordon, NE for a year, I found a position in my new home town still as a surgery tech, a job I loved. After a few years, when I was very unofficially the “head” tech, an anesthetist told me I should do more. Looking back, I wish I would have said, “Yes, but am not yet sure what…” and kept working while I explored.

I went to nursing school and again short-changed myself because of my perceived need for hands on education, went to a diploma school and not a baccalaureate program.

I’ve been employed ever since – worked up to a nurse manager, helped design and furnish a new unit, moved back to staff nurse after cancer (again) and am retiring in about 5-7 years. I’m beginning a float position, which means I’ll move throughout the hospital where I’m needed on night shifts, 8 hrs instead of 12 hrs, and full-time at top of the scale.

In retrospect, despite wishing things different, I realize God was in charge, putting me in a field for which, in high school, I had no desire and showing me how to share my gifts in a difficult and stressful environment.

Pray More – Worry Less


Today’s Old Testament reading in the Morning Daily Office is Jeremiah 20:7-11. A similar tone is expressed in a small book by Timothy Keller, The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness, shared in her blog, Live with Flair, by Heather Colleran.

Jeremiah states succinctly how consumed and engaged he is by God; he has no choice, but to proclaim the will and desire of the Creator, for when he tries to keep quiet, his very bones burn with a heat, disabling his quietude, forcing him to proclaim the Lord.

Keller’s book, to me, does much the same in that, his premise, along with Jeremiah’s is, we are already beloved, owned, and loved by God; we need, as St. Paul did, to truly believe this promise, that we ARE loved, our sins are washed away, so we can, in the love of God, enjoy a life without judgment right now.

God wants us to be happy, joyful, relying on Her for every need; I/we are the ones who put limits on what He can/will do for us. I pray every day to truly let go, let God, and live His life as my life.

To What/Whom am I Pointing?

Pharisee and Publican - Tewkesbury Abbey
Pharisee and Publican – Tewkesbury Abbey (Photo credit: Walwyn)

Our now retired and beloved priest had a habit of emphasizing to Whom he or his sermon pointed – not our goodness, not our daily striving, not our prayers, not our church attendance, but all, all is to point to God, the Creator, the Lord of hosts.

This is what struck my shallow mind as I read the passages below as well as the links. Our lives are not lived for us or anyone else. We live pointing to God. As we do, all will be well (Julian of Norwich), God is glorified, those in need are served, and we will triumph in our travails.

“Pointing” is not a noisy ministry. To me, this is a ministry of intention, of active faith, meeting needs without judgement where they are, knowing, trusting God, a minute by minute dedication of life to God.

How do I point to God? I’m just little old me, doing nothing very important every day, trying to get by on this earth. Follow the blind man in the John story. The story of Jesus‘s healing is below this quote, but this is the crucial part of the story, IMHO (in my humble opinion).

John 9:13-34

13 They brought to the Pharisees the man who had formerly been blind. Now it was a Sabbath day when Jesus made the mud and opened his eyes. Then the Pharisees also began to ask him how he had received his sight. He said to them, ‘He put mud on my eyes. Then I washed, and now I see.’ Some of the Pharisees said, ‘This man is not from God, for he does not observe the Sabbath.’ But others said, ‘How can a man who is a sinner perform such signs?’ And they were divided. So they said again to the blind man, ‘What do you say about him? It was your eyes he opened.’ He said, ‘He is a prophet.’

The Jews did not believe that he had been blind and had received his sight until they called the parents of the man who had received his sight and asked them, ‘Is this your son, who you say was born blind? How then does he now see?’ His parents answered, ‘We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind, but we do not know how it is that now he sees, nor do we know who opened his eyes. Ask him; he is of age. He will speak for himself.’ His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jews; for the Jews had already agreed that anyone who confessed Jesus to be the Messiah would be put out of the synagogue. Therefore his parents said, ‘He is of age; ask him.’

So for the second time they called the man who had been blind, and they said to him, ‘Give glory to God! We know that this man is a sinner.’ He answered, ‘I do not know whether he is a sinner. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.’ They said to him, ‘What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?’ He answered them, ‘I have told you already, and you would not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you also want to become his disciples?’ Then they reviled him, saying, ‘You are his disciple, but we are disciples of Moses. We know that God has spoken to Moses, but as for this man, we do not know where he comes from.’ The man answered, ‘Here is an astonishing thing! You do not know where he comes from, and yet he opened my eyes. We know that God does not listen to sinners, but he does listen to one who worships him and obeys his will. Never since the world began has it been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a person born blind. If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.’ They answered him, ‘You were born entirely in sins, and are you trying to teach us?’ And they drove him out.

What I find incredibly interesting, relevant, and courageous to us today is the sincere witness of the formerly blind man. This “uneducated” man knows the intent of Scripture, more than the letter, and for this insight as well as his testimony, is put out of the Temple. More scholarly persons than I can speak to what it meant for a Jew to be put out of Temple in that time; it was not a good thing for one socially or spiritually.

This man, more intelligent than given credit by those educated in the Law, knows the consequence of his truth-telling – but he regards the Truth with reverence – he has experienced a completely life changing event! He can SEE…for him, he cannot go back to that place where he could not see.

So it is for us. Once we see the light, love of Jesus pointing to the glory of God the Father/Mother, how can we go back to a humdrum existence? The God of the Universe is on our side; He has reached down,  touched our hearts, making us aware Jesus died for us so we could follow Him.

Jesus points to God. To whom or what does your life point?


John 9:1-12,35-38 (NRSV)

As he walked along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?’ 3 Jesus answered, ‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned; he was born blind so that God’s works might be revealed in him. 4 We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming when no one can work. 5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.’ 6 When he had said this, he spat on the ground and made mud with the saliva and spread the mud on the man’s eyes, 7 saying to him, ‘Go, wash in the pool of Siloam’ (which means Sent). Then he went and washed and came back able to see. 8 The neighbors and those who had seen him before as a beggar began to ask, ‘Is this not the man who used to sit and beg?’ 9Some were saying, ‘It is he.’ Others were saying, ‘No, but it is someone like him.’ He kept saying, ‘I am the man.’ 10 But they kept asking him, ‘Then how were your eyes opened?’ 11He answered, ‘The man called Jesus made mud, spread it on my eyes, and said to me, Go to Siloam and wash. Then I went and washed and received my sight.’ 12 They said to him, ‘Where is he?’ He said, ‘I do not know.’

35 Jesus heard that they had driven him out, and when he found him, he said, ‘Do you believe in the Son of Man?’ 36 He answered, ‘And who is he, sir? Tell me, so that I may believe in him.’ 37 Jesus said to him, ‘You have seen him, and the one speaking with you is he.’ 38 He said, ‘Lord, I believe.’ And he worshiped him.

Philippians 2:1-4

Mark 12:28-34

We Do Not Believe in the Nicene Creed

He has Reached a Place where He is Not

“Quiet, Enough”

At this moment, I have a young intact male Beagle throwing a tantrum in his crate. He might not be used to using a crate; he may resent staying in it last night while I was at work; he most likely is simply a young Beagle wanting to move and resents confinement. I ignored him till my noon devotions were completely obliterated (on my Earthly side) by his wailing and banging. Then, I went and dressed him down, telling him “quiet….enough” in a very low, firm tone.  As I complete this paragraph, he is quieting – the question to myself is, would he have quieted with or without my intervention?

Sometimes, I think this is the way of my relationship with God. She never sends me trouble to punish – Christ removed such need , but She may let me linger while I rant and rale, allowing me to “quiet….enough”, so I finally can hear Her soft, small voice.

Have  you listened to what is around you today? Have you seen what is so normal, you no longer see? “Quiet….enough.” Let’s mind what we do in each action, thought, and inaction. Listen to what God is saying or sharing with you today.

Amazing. All is calm.

Thankful Thursday #2 – Community

Thankful Thursday #1 is HERE.



I listen to To the Best of our Knowledge via podcast since our local station no longer airs it. I enjoy the varying topics, interviews, and insights. The host, Jim Fleming, asked to pick his favorite show for 2012, “Just one?.” What a question! What a challenge! He wisely chose “Parker Palmer on Life.” Life is itself enough meaning to live and be alive….I’m grateful for every year of my life, some days more so than others but all in all, I celebrate each birthday.

Thanks be to God.



Yesterday, following a phone call the night before from a dear friend, I drove her and myself to St. Louis for physician appointments at the same place and about the same time. Coincidental? Perhaps – a God thing? Definitely. Both this friend and I have gone through some tough medical times; mine is less threatening than hers. I’m so grateful for this friend. We can talk, discuss, converse, disagree, commiserate  and support one another no matter how long it’s been since the last time we saw each other. Kathy is a true friend – and I’m grateful for her presence and wisdom in my life, as well as other close friends.

Thanks be to God.

Dog Rescue

Beagle Todd
Beagle Todd

Houndsong – Houndsong is an audio link to my send-off before leaving home yesterday; the hounds on occasion all howl/bay at the same time and then stop as if following a conductor. It is amazing to hear. I’m sorry this is the tail end; they were more “in sync” before I recorded them on my iPhone. As I thought about the hounds and my enjoyment of silence, I realized the advent of the hound rescue and my quest for a place in a worship community almost coincide. Interesting – I’m grateful for the blessings each dog has brought to my life – and the lives of others, those I’ve met in rescue and those who adopt/foster/donate to save animal lives

Thanks be to God.



In the previous paragraph, I allude to my quest for a worship community. Several years ago, I visited three very different monasteries in my region – and took wisdom home from each. I hoped God was leading me to join up with one; instead, She wants me more active in my local church and community while engaging in an active home prayer life. I’m grateful for the leading of my Lord – and the ability to listen, pray, & act in this country of my birth.

Thanks be to God.


This is a Thankful Blog Hop. Please click on the image above to visit PepiSmartDog, our host, to see links to other blogs grateful today.


The stylized icons used in this post hand-made by Double-J Design.

Beagle Todd adopted through the Boothealers Puppies on Parole, Southeast Correctional Center program, from Safe Harbor @ Silverwalk Beagle Sanctuary.